Our May Release includes My Comments, Enhanced Track Log Integration, 3D Engine Out Procedures, Bulk Delete Track Logs, Expanded Airport Operating Hours, Canadian & South African VFR Points, Logbook Date Search, and added Runway Analysis aircraft support.
My Comments
View and manage all your airport and FBO comments in one place, save draft comments to publish later, and see your submitted comments’ approval status.

You can add airport comments by tapping the Comments button while viewing an airport, then toggle from Remarks to Comments and tap the + button.

Add FBO comments by tapping the Add Comment button while viewing an FBO’s details.

Leaving either page before submitting a comment will prompt you to save it as a draft.

Visit More > Comments to see all your draft and submitted comments. Swipe from right to left on a comment to delete it.

You can tap into any draft comment to edit or submit it. Editing a published comment will return it to a draft state until it is resubmitted and approved.
Submitted comments show as In Review prior to being approved or rejected by ForeFlight staff. If a comment is rejected, ForeFlight’s criteria for rejection are shown to help you understand why it was rejected.

Logbook: Enhanced Track Log Integration
Link multiple track logs to a single Logbook entry to capture the entire flight and auto-suggest more accurate times and totals.

You can tap the Add/Change Track Logs button at the top of a Logbook entry to select one or more track logs to associate with it.

The Logbook entry’s map combines all linked track logs into a single flight path, and you can highlight each individual track log using buttons in the bottom left of the map.

Linking additional track logs to a draft Logbook entry will automatically update the time and distance values to reflect the combined totals, while linking more track logs to a published entry will update the USE buttons for times and distances, but will not automatically update the values.
3D Engine Out Procedures
Familiarize yourself with an airport’s EOPs using interactive 3D terrain and aerial imagery before takeoff.

Start by tapping a flight in the Flights tab, then the Takeoff button next to the departure airport. If you do not see the Takeoff button, ensure the aircraft selected for the flight has our Runway Analysis add-on for turbine aircraft.

Next, select a runway, then select EOP.

You can tap the 3D View button next to any EOP to open it in 3D.

Available as part of ForeFlight’s Runway Analysis add-on product for jet and multi-engine turboprop aircraft.
Bulk-Delete Track Logs
Easily select and delete multiple unwanted track logs simultaneously, with deletion warnings for track logs associated with Logbook entries.
Visit More > Track Logs and tap the Select button at the top of the list, then tap on track logs to select them or tap Select All at the bottom.Tap Delete at the bottom and confirm to delete the selected track logs.

If some of the selected track logs are associated with Logbook entries, then the delete confirmation window provides an additional option to only delete the unassociated track logs.

Expanded Airport Operating Hours
View more detailed operating hours for more airports globally, including time zones and custom remarks. You can access this information in Airports > Info > Operating Hours.

Canadian & South African VFR Points
ForeFlight added support for VFR Points in Canada and South Africa in this month’s release. You can learn more about how to use them here.

Logbook Date Search
Filter your list of Logbook entries or CFI endorsement records by date.

The following date formats are supported:
You can filter by month using any of these formats by omitting the final two digits (e.g. YYYY-MM, YYYYMM, etc.).

New Runway Analysis Aircraft Support
ForeFlight’s advanced Runway Analysis product for turbine aircraft now supports the following aircraft:
- Learjet 36A
- Premier 1/1A