Our June release simplifies the app’s Download Settings, adds support for Custom Waypoint elevations, and more.
Simplified Download Settings
Easily configure your downloads more quickly with a new paradigm that groups all Data/Chart selections and Region selections in separate menus in More > Downloads. This change will not affect your existing downloads or download settings.

Select the types of charts and data you want to download in the Data Settings menu, as well as select High Resolution Basemap and Terrain downloads for additional regions beyond your subscription’s default. The selections you make here will apply to all regions selected in Region Settings, although not all chart/data types are available for all regions.

Region Settings let you select which regions the selections you made in the Data/Chart Settings will apply to. All regions supported by ForeFlight have a drop-down containing sub-regions within that region.

Custom Waypoint Elevation
Specify elevations for your User Waypoints and custom waypoints imported via Content Packs to plan routes to and from them like you would airports, with accurate climb/descent calculations and depictions in Profile View.
You can add an elevation to a User Waypoint in More > Custom Content > User Waypoints.

Tap the waypoint you would like to edit, tap the Elevation field to input the number, and then tap Save.

Another way to edit a waypoint’s elevation is by directly tapping it on the Maps view, then tapping Edit. Specify the elevation and tap Save as before.

Lastly, you can specify elevations in KML or CSV waypoint lists you import as part of the “navdata” sub-folder in a Content Pack. While standalone CSV files also support elevations, standalone KML files do not, so they must be imported as part of a Content Pack.
For a .csv file, simply add a column for elevation and express each value in meters (ForeFlight will automatically convert them to feet upon import). While the column names in a .csv file don’t matter, their order does. Column A is the waypoint ID or name, column B is the description, column C is latitude, column D is longitude, and column E is for elevation.
NOTE: To import a CSV file as user waypoints, it must be named user_waypoints.csv.

For .kml files, include your waypoint elevation (in meters) in the optional altitude component of the coordinates tuple. This value often defaults to 0, so ForeFlight will only recognize non-zero values (positive or negative) as elevations.

Bearing and Track Orientation Setting
Display bearing and track measurements for the Ruler, Synthetic Vision, and relevant Cockpit Instruments using either Magnetic or True North.
You can access this feature in More > Settings.

Then tap Units/Time to get to Bearing and Track Instruments.

New Runway Analysis Aircraft Support
ForeFlight’s Runway Analysis product now supports Bombardier’s Global 7500 and Dassault’s Falcon 900EX, EX EASy, DX and LX, and Textron 560 Citation XLS. Built-in Weight & Balance templates and Takeoff Trim calculations are also supported for the Bombardier and Dassault aircraft.

Runway Analysis is available for a growing list of aircraft types as an add-on to ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.