With ForeFlight Mobile 6.7 we are excited to announce wireless connectivity between ForeFlight Mobile and the Dynon Avionics SkyView system. The integration with Dynon expands our ForeFlight Connect capability ‒ a set of features that allows ForeFlight Mobile to connect to portable and installed avionics to enable capabilities like flight plan transfer, ADS-B weather (currently Stratus only), and more.
We also re-invented the ScratchPad view to provide much more capability. Use the helpful new templates feature for quickly jotting down clearances and PIREPs, save and share multiple ScratchPads, and swipe between ScratchPads with a simple gesture. ScratchPads are integrated into the ForeFlight Sync system so all your notes are automatically backed up across your iPads.
In the Maps view we added a global graphical Winds Aloft layer that shows wind barbs on the map for altitudes from 3,000′ to 54,000′. The new altitude slider lets you easily see how the winds change across the world and across the flight levels.
ForeFlight Mobile version 6.7 is now available on the App Store.
Wi-Fi Connectivity Between ForeFlight Mobile and Dynon Avionics SkyView Enables Seamless Flight Planning Capabilities
We are delighted to work with Dynon Avionics to bring Wi-Fi connectivity between your iPad and iPhone and the SkyView glass panel system. ForeFlight Mobile can send and receive flight plan routes on the ground and in the air and can receive SkyView WAAS GPS and AHRS data to feed Synthetic Vision and the moving map display.
Update your route on ForeFlight Mobile then push the changes to SkyView using the Send To icon in the Route Editor:

Route changes made on SkyView are easily updated on the iPad with a single tap on the Connect icon:

In addition to transferring flight plan route changes, ForeFlight Mobile receives SkyView’s built-in WAAS GPS to drive aircraft position on the Maps or Plates view. This is a great GPS solution if you have a Wi-Fi only iPad, or if you just want the reassurance of an additional GPS source. ForeFlight Mobile also uses the SkyView AHRS to display pitch and roll information on the Attitude Indicator and Synthetic Vision views.

The wireless connectivity feature between ForeFlight and Dynon SkyView requires a ForeFlight Mobile subscription (Basic or Pro) and a Wi-Fi Adapter for each SkyView screen. Read this blog post for more details on how to set up and use the wireless connection between ForeFlight Mobile and Dynon SkyView.
Also check out our ForeFlight Connect page to learn more about our growing wireless connectivity capabilities.
New ScratchPads Sync to the Cloud and Make it Easier to Take Notes in the Cockpit
The ScratchPads feature was re-written for v6.7. Now you can choose from six different templates, including a PIREP template to help you transmit the perfect PIREP with confidence.
The CRAFT layout makes it easy to use the well-known aviation mnemonic for copying down departure clearances from ATC:
And by popular demand, you can add, edit, rename, and delete multiple ScratchPads:

If you prefer to write with a stylus versus your finger, check out this popular one from Sporty’s. ScratchPads is available on the iPad to ForeFlight Mobile Basic and Pro subscribers.
New Winds Aloft Layer in Maps View
A global graphical Winds Aloft forecast is now available as a weather overlay option in the Maps view. The new Winds Aloft layer is available to all ForeFlight Mobile subscribers.

Winds Aloft markers are color coded to the following scale:

Use the slider on the lower right of the screen to select the desired altitude or flight level. Tap on a marker to view forecast details: wind speed and direction, altitude, temperature, and the winds aloft report time stamp.