Our June release answered a long-time customer request with Hold Advisor, advanced the state of the art in digital charts with Augmented ProceduresTM, introduced a map-based preview of engine-out procedures as part of our advanced Runway Analysis product, and more.
Hold Advisor
Easily insert a holding pattern anywhere in your route with Hold Advisor two ways: by using Procedure Advisor at the top right of the FPL Editor or by tapping any waypoint in your route or elsewhere on the map.
Through Procedure Advisor, the fix defaults to the final waypoint in your route but you can change it to any waypoint in your route, or any other named waypoint.
Hold Advisor provides parameters for inbound or outbound legs, the pattern’s length (defined by either time or distance), left or right turns, and additional options such as altitude and speed.
ForeFlight does not yet support sending holding patterns to connected avionics via Flight Plan Transfer.
Hold Advisor is included in ForeFlight Pro Plus and Business Pro subscription plans and above.
Augmented ProceduresTM
Quickly find the appropriate minimum for an approach procedure and display it as part of your route to supplement the plate and reduce the risk of errors.
Powered by high-quality procedure data from Jeppesen, Augmented Procedures uses your aircraft’s approach category and any relevant equipment outages to instantly determine the appropriate minimum for a given procedure and approach type. Once selected, the minimum appears as a prominent magenta marker on top of the plate at the missed approach point, serving as a quick and easy reference during one of the most stressful parts of any IFR flight.
Augmented ProceduresTM is available with ForeFlight Performance Plus and Business Performance subscription plans.
Runway Analysis: New Aircraft
ForeFlight’s runway and obstacle analysis capability for jets now supports several new aircraft types, with more on the way.

Runway Analysis, both for individual and business accounts, is available to purchase alongside ForeFlight Performance subscription plans.
Runway Analysis: EOP Visualization
Preview ground tracks and textual instructions for available engine-out procedures (EOPs) in Runway Analysis.
Tap on the Engine Out Procedure line in the Takeoff Analysis page to open the EOP selector.

The list of available EOPs appears below a map centered on the departure airport.

Not all EOPs support visualization, including VOR-based EOPs from Jeppesen, but the textual instructions for these still appear in the list below the map.

Engine Out Procedures are a critical component of Runway Analysis, which is available to purchase alongside ForeFlight Performance subscription plans for individual and business accounts.
Military Flight Bag: Select Multiple MTR Types
Government and military pilots using ForeFlight Military Flight Bag can now view multiple types of Military Training Routes on the map at once. Pilots can choose any combination of Instrument, Visual, and Slow Routes to better support mission requirements.
With the Aeronautical Map enabled, open the Map Settings menu and tap Military Training Routes to select the type(s) of MTR to display.