Our September release includes Mogas fuel prices, Recent/Favorite Routes filter, Takeoff and Landing Summaries for piston and turboprop aircraft, Airport Delay Notifications, and New Runway Analysis aircraft support.
Mogas Fuel Prices
Find pricing and availability of Mogas fuel in Airports > FBOs or by tapping an FBO icon on a plate or the map.

Then tap the FBO to see more details on fuel options, including self-service and full-service pricing. Mogas fuel prices can currently only be updated in ForeFlight by the FBO manager, so please contact the FBO if you find that prices listed in ForeFlight do not match actual prices.

Recent/Favorite Routes Filter
Quickly search your Favorite and Recent Routes by entering any airport or waypoint identifier to show routes containing it.
Start by tapping the Routes button in the Maps toolbar.

Tap the search bar at the top and enter any airport, airway, VOR, or waypoint identifier to show routes containing it, then tap any result to load the route on the map.

Takeoff & Landing Summary
Generate and save a detailed summary of takeoff and landing performance calculations for supported piston and single engine turboprop aircraft, including runway conditions, climb analysis, and more.
Once you finalize your flight plan with a supported aircraft selected, ensure you have a runway selected for both takeoff and landing in the Flights view.

Next, tap Summary in the top right of either the Takeoff or Landing views.

You can then tap the Send to Button to attach the summary to the flight’s Files, print it, or share it with others.

Available with Performance Plus subscription plans for piston aircraft and with the Runway Analysis subscription add-on for single engine turboprop aircraft.
New Runway Analysis Aircraft Support
ForeFlight’s advanced Runway Analysis product for turbine aircraft now supports the following aircraft:
- Challenger 601-3A and -3R
- Citation Excel
- Falcon 7X, 8X, and 900EX with API Winglets
- Super King Air B300 and B300C

Airport Delay Notifications
Get informed about potential delays before you arrive at the airport with new notifications for Ground Stop (GS) and Ground Delay Program (GDP) advisories.
After filing a flight plan, ForeFlight will check for any existing advisories at the departure and destination airports and will alert you if any impact your flight plan.

In addition, ForeFlight will continue to monitor your flights and update you if any GS or GDP advisories come up before your flight.