Our January release includes new Aeronautical Map Quick Toggles for Airways, Navaids, and Waypoints, improved functionality for Takeoff and Alternate Minimums documents, and more.
New Aero Map Filters
Declutter the Aeronautical Map with new quick toggles for Airways, Navaids, and Waypoints, which were previously combined in a single toggle.
Find the best combination of these elements to suit your flight, such as:
- Hiding Airways and Waypoints on VFR flights
- Hiding Navaids for RNAV-based routes
- Turn on Airways to inspect MEA/MOCA/MAA values and quickly hide them again for a VFR flight
- Turn on Airways for IFR flights or when following along on a commercial flight

You can also access these filters in Map Settings > Airways & Waypoints. Tap the gear icon at the top of your screen near the Flight Plan (FPL) icon to access Map Settings.

Quickly Find Takeoff & Alternative Minimums
Easily find the Takeoff or Alternate Minimums for any US airport more quickly thanks to a new smart automation. When opening either of these documents from the airport’s procedures list, ForeFlight will automatically jump to the page with that airport’s information, allowing you to review it right away without flipping through pages to find the airport.
Military Flight Bag (MFB): GeoTIFF Support
Easily import charts, maps, and other mission assets from current and legacy military mapping software like FalconView with new support for GeoTIFF custom content files.

Like the MBTiles and GeoPDF custom chart formats, you can import GeoTIFF files individually and within a Content Pack’s “layers” folder. Note that AirDrop is not a supported import method for GeoTIFFs as iOS automatically imports them to the Photos app as images.

Once imported, you can access GeoTIFF charts in the bottom-left of the Maps view Layer Selector.

ForeFlight supports GeoTIFF files with resolutions up to 10,000 pixels, regardless of the image dimensions. Larger resolution images must be divided and imported as separate files. Learn more about creating and using custom Content Packs here.
Military Flight Bag: Prioritize Jeppesen Plates
MFB users with linked Jeppesen accounts can now choose to prioritize Jeppesen plates over DOD/FAA plates, causing the Jeppesen plates to appear at the top of the list wherever you access them in ForeFlight.

Enable this setting in More > Jeppesen at the bottom of the Jeppesen Settings list.